Anthropic DeepSeek GPT-40 LLM Code Generation

DeepSeek 2.5: How does it compare to Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4o?

2024 has proven to be a solid year for AI code generation. The DeepSeek models, often overlooked in comparison to GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet, have gained decent momentum in the past few months. And with the recent announcement of DeepSeek 2.5, an upgraded version that combines DeepSeek-V2-Chat and DeepSeek-Coder-V2-Instruct, the momentum has peaked. DeepSeek-V2.5 has been fine-tuned to meet human preferences and has undergone various optimizations, including improvements in writing and instruction. In this blog, we discuss DeepSeek 2.5 and all its features, the company behind it, and compare it with GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

The Company Behind DeepSeek 2.5

DeepSeek is based in Hangzhou, China, focusing on the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI). The company aims to create efficient AI assistants that can be integrated into various applications through easy API calls and a user-friendly chat interface.

Overview of DeepSeek 2.5

DeepSeek 2.5 is a culmination of previous models as it integrates features from DeepSeek-V2-Chat and DeepSeek-Coder-V2-Instruct. This new version enhances both general language capabilities and coding functionalities, making it great for various applications. As per the Hugging Face announcement, the model is designed to better align with human preferences and has undergone optimization in multiple areas, including writing quality and instruction adherence. The benchmark table below proves this:

AlpacaEval 2.046.644.550.5
HumanEval python84.587.289
HumanEval Multi73.874.873.8

DeepSeek V2.5’s Key Features

  • Integration of Models: Combines capabilities from chat and coding models.
  • Performance Metrics: Outperforms its predecessors in several benchmarks, such as AlpacaEval and HumanEval, showcasing improvements in instruction following and code generation.
  • Context Length: Supports a context length of up to 128K tokens.

How to Use DeepSeek 2.5?

DeepSeek 2.5 is accessible via both web platforms and APIs. Users can integrate its capabilities into their systems seamlessly. You can create an account to obtain an API key for accessing the model’s features.

Pricing Comparision: DeepSeek 2.5 vs Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o

When comparing DeepSeek 2.5 with other models such as GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet, it becomes clear that neither GPT nor Claude comes anywhere close to the cost-effectiveness of DeepSeek. Below is a summary table highlighting the pricing for each model based on their usage costs:

ModelPrice per 1 Million TokensKey Features
DeepSeek 2.5$0.14 (input) – $0.28 (output)General & coding capabilities
GPT-4o mini$0.15 (input) – $0.60 (output)General & writing capabilities
GPT-4o (08-06)$2.5 (input) – $10 (output)General & writing capabilities
Claude 3.5 Sonnet$3 (input) – $15 (output)Advanced reasoning, conversation, and coding

This table indicates that DeepSeek 2.5’s pricing is much more comparable to GPT-4o mini, but in terms of efficiency, it’s closer to the standard GPT-4o.

DeepSeek 2.5 for Code Generation

DeepSeek 2.5 has been evaluated against GPT, Claude, and Gemini among other models for its reasoning, arithmetic, language, and code generation capabilities. It excels in generating code snippets based on user prompts, demonstrating its effectiveness in programming tasks.

The table below highlights its performance benchmarks.

DeepSeek 2.5 Example Prompts

Here are some example prompts used to test the code generation abilities of DeepSeek 2.5:

CategoryExample PromptTry the Prompt
Data Structures and AlgorithmsImplement a binary search algorithm to find a target value in a sorted array of integers.Try with DeepSeek
Try with Claude
Try with GPT-4o
Machine LearningTrain a linear regression model on the Boston housing dataset to predict the median value of owner-occupied homes.Try with DeepSeek
Try with Claude
Try with GPT 4o
Web DevelopmentCreate an HTML form that allows users to input their name and email address, and then submit the data to a PHP script that saves the information to a database.Try with DeepSeek
Try with Claude
Try with GPT 4o
Natural Language ProcessingWrite a Python function that tokenizes a given text using NLTK’s word_tokenize() function and removes stop words.Try with DeepSeek
Try with Claude
Try with GPT 4o

DeepSeek Reddit Feedback

Feedback from users on platforms like Reddit highlights the strengths of DeepSeek 2.5 compared to other models. Users have noted that DeepSeek’s integration of chat and coding functionalities provides a unique advantage over models like Claude and Sonnet.

Many users appreciate the model’s ability to maintain context over longer conversations or code generation tasks, which is crucial for complex programming challenges.

The Bottom Line

DeepSeek 2.5 is a nice addition to an already impressive catalog of AI code generation models. Its competitive pricing, comprehensive context support, and improved performance metrics are sure to make it stand above some of its competitors for various applications. The integration of previous models into this unified version not only enhances functionality but also aligns more effectively with user preferences than earlier iterations or competing models like GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

To learn more about the best AI code generation models click here, and to try them now for free, get started here.