Anthropic GPT-40

Which are the best AI Code Generators In 2024: Github Copilot, Bind AI, Tabnine, Replit ?

If you aren’t using the best AI code generators as a developer in 2024, you’re doing it wrong. The AI models behind code generation have come a long way in the past few years. Mundane tasks like fixing silly bugs, adding specific functions and classes, debugging basic code, etc., are now easily performed entirely using AI code generators. With the recent launch of newer models such as Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4o, it is now possible to generate entire code from scratch. With so much time saved, devs can focus on the more creative aspects of programming.

While there are general purpose chat interfaces such as ChatGPT, Perplexity, Microsoft Copilot, it is much more effective to use dedicated AI code generation tools which can assist with code completion, code automation, generating boilerplate code and can natively integrate with development tools such as IDEs, Github etc.

Here’s a list of some of the best AI code generators in 2024, with the features they offer and pricing. We have categorized each pick based on its unique selling point. So, you don’t have to worry about your experience level or budget because there’s something for everyone on this list.

Best AI Code Generators In 2024

1. Best Overall: Bind AI Code Generator

Bind AI is an online code generator which allows you to generate complex code from scratch and directly execute and deploy within its editor. It provides access to the most advanced AI models such as Claude 3.5 Sonnet (see all models supported). You can store multiple AI-generated files in a project which makes it easier to create applications beyond just single-page apps. It supports 80+ languages such as Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, SQL, SWIFT and even old ones such as Fortran. Think of Bind AI as an advanced version of ChatGPT interface, especially designed for coding tasks. Here’s a demo showing how Bind AI can code, compile, and publish a web page.

It is ideal for developers or non-technical individuals who want to generate code for NextJS, Flutter, Swift React, or create backend for frameworks such as Flask, Django, Spring boot, Laravel, Express JS, Fast API. Bind allows users to connect their Github, Confluence, Gitbook, Google drive to provide contextual code generation and Search across entire codebase and technical documentation. 


  • Code Generation: Bind’s advanced language processing capabilities enable users to enter natural language prompts and automatically generate the corresponding code. Bind AI provides access to multiple powerful models such as Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Codestral, GPT-4o. Tools such as Github Copilot do not offer this.
  • Online IDE: Once the code is generated, Bind AI provides a built-in compiler, allowing users to execute scripts, API queries or deploy web pages with just a few clicks. Imagine generating a Python script and directly running it or generating API queries or curl commands and directly running the query instead of needing to use Postman.
  • Code Search: Users can search across their entire codebase and technical documentation, and get relevant code suggestions.


  • Free Tier: Offers limited access for code generation, Online IDE and compiler. 
  • Premium Plan: $18/month, unlocks advanced code generation with Claude 3.5 Sonnet, GPT-4o along with deployment and code base integration features.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for larger teams and organizations. $40/month per seat.

Bind AI is the perfect solution for beginners, experienced developers, and those seeking to streamline their coding workflows without sacrificing control or flexibility.

Alternative: Cursor

2. Best for Enterprises: GitHub Copilot

Github Copilot is an AI pair programmer for developers. Built through a collaboration between GitHub and OpenAI, it has quickly established itself as a must-have tool for experienced developers. It can seamlessly integrate with the most popular IDEs (think Visual Studio Code, JetBrains, and more), offering real-time suggestions and code completion that adapt to each user’s unique coding style.

Github Copilot is ideal for enterprise developers who have an existing codebase and use IDEs such as VS Code to enhance existing code. They recently launched Github Workspace, a developer environment where developers can generate code in natural language. However, it still requires familiarity with coding environments.


  • Code Completion: GitHub Copilot suggests entire lines or blocks of code based on the context of your project files. It does rely on the files which are open, and not the entire code base which is a limitation if you have a large code base.
  • Multilingual Capabilities: It uses models such as GPT-4, OpenAI Codex under the hood, and can understand and assist with a wide range of programming languages. Due to its partnership with OpenAI, it does not have access to recent powerful code generation models such as Claude 3.5 Sonnet, or Mistral Codestral. It a limitation, however, it is still a powerful tool.


  • Individual devs and freelancers can get the Copilot Individual plan at $10/month.
  • For organizations, there’s Copilot Business at $19/month, offering improved engineering velocity, code quality, and developer experience.

GitHub Copilot is an asset for developers. Easily the number one option for experienced devs.

Alternative: OpenAI Codex

3. Tabnine

Tabnine is an AI code assistant that integrates seamlessly with a variety of popular IDEs, including Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, PyCharm and more. Its can autogenerate high-quality code, turn plain text into code and offers AI-powered chat that supports every stage of development.

It is a direct alternative to Github Copilot and is best suited for teams who collaborate and have existing code bases. 


  • Code Completion: Similar to Github Copilot, Tabnine offers context-aware code completion, suggesting relevant snippets or blocks as you type.
  • Syntax Highlighting: The tool provides intelligent syntax highlighting, making it easier to read and understand your code.
  • Automated Testing: Tabnine can generate test cases for your code, helping you catch bugs and ensure code quality.


  • Starter: Free version available for individual users.
  • Pro: $12 per month, unlocks advanced features and team collaboration.
  • Enterprise: $39/month, offers a private, secure AI-powered development platform optimized for your business.

Tabnine is a versatile tool that caters to developers of all skill levels, from beginners seeking to boost their productivity to experienced programmers looking to enhance their coding efficiency. 

Alternative: Codium

4. Replit GhostWriter

Replit, a popular online IDE, has recently introduced GhostWriter, an AI-powered coding assistant which compliments its existing functionality. GhostWriter uses natural language processing to understand your requirements and generate the corresponding code, making it an invaluable tool for developers who need to quickly prototype or iterate on ideas. It focuses on line-by-line auto-complete suggestions and corrections, rather than generating extensive code blocks (unlike GitHub Copilot).

Replit features are similar to what Bind AI offers, however, Replit requires deeper understanding of programming, and is not best suited for non-technical or novice developers.


  • Code Suggestions: GhostWriter provides code completion and suggestion to increase productivity
  • Contextual Awareness: The tool understands the context of your project and generates code that seamlessly integrates with your existing codebase.
  • Collaborative Coding: Replit’s online IDE allows multiple users to collaborate on the same project, with GhostWriter providing suggestions and feedback in real time.


  • Free Tier: Offers limited code generation and collaboration features.
  • Replit Core: $10/month, unlocks advanced AI-powered coding capabilities and team collaboration.
  • Teams & Enterprise: Custom pricing for larger organizations.

Replit GhostWriter is an excellent choice for developers who value rapid prototyping, collaborative coding, and the ability to generate code from natural language descriptions.

Alternative: Sourcery

5. Best For General Purpose: Claude AI

For developers looking for a more generalistic approach to AI-powered code generation, Claude AI offers a compelling case. You can leverage Anthropic models such as Claude Sonnet, Opus, Haiku within their chat interface which is similar to ChatGPT. Claude recently launched artifacts which allows users to generate code and share it with others. It is a useful feature for generating charts and graphs and share socially.

Claude does not have any native integrations with IDEs or development tools such as Github, which limits its usage for production code generation use cases. Claude models do power several code generation tools such as Bind AI, Tabnine and others and its better to use it via dedicated tools for writing production code. These are the best Claude AI alternatives.

One of the biggest limitation of Claude AI is its query limits. Since programming use cases require large amount of tokens, users frequently hit query limits even on its Pro subscription. Claude is ideal for general purpose use cases and competes directly with ChatGPT.


  • Multilingual Support: Claude AI supports numerous programming languages, making it a good option for cross-language projects.
  • Code Optimization: The model can analyze your code and provide suggestions for optimization.
  • Artifacts: Generate code snippets, save and share socially.


  • Free: Claude AI’s free plan offers a limited number of queries.
  • Pro: At $20/month, the Claude Pro plan offers 5x more usage versus the Free plan.
  • Team: The most expensive tier is Team at $30/month per member (5 members minimum), offering even more usage than the Pro plan. 


Claude AI is a good option for experienced developers, data scientists, and teams who value flexibility and control. 

Alternative: ChatGPT


1. Are AI code generators secure?

The security and legibility of AI-generated code depend on the tool and the user. While some generators can produce vulnerable code, best practices like reviewing generated code and using trusted sources can mitigate these risks.

2. What are the limitations of AI code generators?

Current AI code generators are still evolving. Some of the tools may struggle with complex tasks, and it is ideal to test out multiple platforms. As with anything AI, it’s best to use them as assistants, not replacements, for your coding expertise.

3. How do AI code generators work?

Many AI code generators use large language models trained on vast amounts of code. These LLMs can identify patterns and suggest code based on context, but they don’t understand the code’s purpose in the way a human programmer does.

4. Why use AI code generators?

AI code generators can boost productivity by automating repetitive tasks, finding bugs, and suggesting code. This frees up developers for more creative and strategic coding work.

5. What’s the difference between the AI code generators mentioned?

The strengths of each tool vary. Some excel at code completion (GitHub Copilot, Tabnine) while others focus on natural language conversion and contextual code generation (Bind AI, Replit GhostWriter). Consider your needs and experience level to pick the best option for you.

The Bottom Line

AI code generators have exponentially increased developers’ productivity, so why should you stay behind? Pick and test one (or more) of these best AI code generators to see what works best for you.

Explore, and you might discover a powerful assistant that transforms your development experience and unlocks your full potential as a coder.